John 9:4 (ESV) … “We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.”
Jesus’ words hold a note of urgency. It may be “day” now, but it won’t always be so. We must not put off until tomorrow what God wants us to do now. Today is the day. If God presents an opportunity and also provides the strength, skill, or other resources to do it, we ought to respond immediately. The night is coming soon enough; then our day of opportunity will end. What have you done today with eternity in mind?
While Christ was in the world, light was in the world; it was “day.” The “day” was the time allotted for Jesus to do his work on earth. However, “night is coming, when no one can work.” The night would come, that is, Jesus would soon die, and would no longer be in the world in physical form. The coming of the night speaks of the shortness of time Jesus had left to fulfill his purpose on earth.[1]