John 17:4 (ESV) … “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do.”
Although Jesus was here referring to all of his earthly ministry, including the death he was to die within the next few hours, this verse does have specific reference to the ways in which Jesus had already revealed more of the character of God through what he said and did. Do you remember how John gave testimony about Jesus at the beginning of the Gospel (1:14)?
John had seen the pure life that Jesus lived; he had heard the gracious words; he had witnessed the loving care; he had been astounded by the remarkable miracles. All these pointed to the character of God. So it was no surprise that Jesus was able to say that he had brought his heavenly Father glory by what he had already done—for each action and word revealed something more of the true character of Almighty God.[1]
Our every action and word should be the same. Our lives are to be lived to the glory of God the Father and to the glory of Jesus our Lord and savior!
[1] Paterson, A. (2010). Opening Up John’s Gospel (pp. 139–140). Leominster: Day One Publications.