Genesis 3:15 (ESV) … “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring (seed) and her offspring (seed); he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.”
We are told that this One Who is coming will the “the offspring or seed of the woman.” This is a strange statement because by God’s very design the “seed” is provided by the male members of every species. Here, we are told that the woman will produce an offspring without the aid of a man. This verse gives us the first kernel of a great truth that will be more fully revealed down the road. This verse is the first prophecy of the Virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Satan did not understand it, Adam and Eve did not understand it; but God indicates that He will send His Lamb into the world through a woman without the involvement of a man! Of course, we know this is how the birth of Jesus came about. Isaiah prophesied it, Isa. 7:14; and the angel Gabriel announced it to Mary, Luke 1:26–35, and to Joseph, Matt. 1:18–25.
Why is this important? The Bible clearly teaches that sin and the sin nature are handed down through the man, Rom. 5:12. Every person who has entered this world through the old fashioned method of a sexual union between a man and a woman has inherited a sin nature, and is in fact a sinner at birth, Rom. 3:10–23; Gal. 3:22.
The birth of Jesus was, however, very different. Since He came into this world without a human father, He was born without the taint of sin! He was born pure and sinless, thus He was qualified to die for the sins of humanity, 2 Cor. 5:21. Of course, what makes the birth of Jesus particularly unique is the fact that He was no ordinary baby, but He was, and is, God in the flesh, John 1:1, 14; Phil. 2:8–11.[1]
However, in the Creation story and the fall of man we do receive good news. In that fall, the entire human race was plunged into darkness, sin and death. In that terrible instant when man sinned against God, man died and became spiritually separated from Almighty God. Man also became helpless in his ability to get back in a right relationship with a God. From the moment mankind fell into sin and ruin, God has made it His business to seek fallen man and attempt to establish a relationship with him. This is the truth that is clearly presented in the story when thinking about the offspring and seed to come, which is Jesus Christ our Lord!
[1] Carr, A. (2015). Behold the Lamb Promised (Genesis 3:1–21). In The Sermon Notebook: Old Testament (pp. 40–41). Lenoir, NC: Alan Carr.