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The Promise of Pardon

Hosea 14:4 (ESV) … “I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them.”

God makes some wonderful promises for repentance.

The cure in the promise. “I will heal their backsliding” (Hose 14:4). Sin makes one sick. The greatest sickness can only be healed by God, the Great Physician. All the medicines of the world, though great they may be, will not heal the sickness of sin.

The charity in the promise. “I will love you freely” (Hosea 14:4). This love is more than the love for the sinner (John 3:16), but it is the special love for His own. To be under the embracing love of God is the greatest of blessings. We value the love of man, but we need to value the love of God more.

The calm in the promise. “Mine anger is turned away from him” (Hosea 14:4). When God gets angry with you, you are finished. To have God removed His wrath from you brings life (John 3:36).[1]

[1] Butler, J. G. (2013). Daniel to Malachi (Vol. 9, p. 150). Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.

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