Psalm 84:1–2 (ESV) … “How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God.”
John Phillips points out, that “God’s home must be the most beautiful, magnificent, and glorious place in the universe. We get scattered glimpses of it here and there in the Bible. Paul caught sight of it and said that what he saw was untranslatable. John saw it and at once resorted to magnificent symbols: a rainbow-circled throne, a sea of glass as clear as crystal, walls of jasper, gates of pearl, streets of gold, and foundations ablaze with gems.”[1]
To speak of the beauty of God and of Heaven is truly a task unachievable. Yet, I can with all confidence say if we trust in Jesus. One day we will behold all of its beauty ourselves.
In Christ & Friends Always,
Bro. Chris.
[1] Phillips, J. (2009). Exploring Psalms 1–88: An Expository Commentary (Vol. 1, Ps 84:1). Kregel Publications; WORDsearch Corp.