Luke 5:5 (ESV) … “And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.”
The Lord then instructed Simon (‘Peter’) to ‘launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch’ (v. 4). This may have seemed foolish to the fisherman, since the best time for catching fish—the night—had passed and there were no fish to show for it. Yet Simon submitted: ‘Nevertheless at your word …’ (v. 5). Mary had learnt this lesson a few days before when she said to servants at a wedding in Cana, ‘Whatever he says to you, do it’ (John 2:5). However uncomfortable the commands of Christ may sound, let those who claim to follow him be swift to obey his voice.
The great catch that followed nearly ruined a net and almost sank two ships! Simon’s reaction to this astounding miracle seems strange. He fell down and said, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’ (v. 8). There is something totally overwhelming about the moment when a sinner comes face to face with the kindness and power of the Lord.
Everyone who witnessed this miracle was astonished. The Lord called James, John and Simon to follow him: ‘Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men’ (v. 10). With that, they brought their boats to shore, ‘forsook all and followed him’. In just a few words, Luke describes what for some people seems unthinkable—to leave those closest to us and live with no certain means of sustenance and support.[1]
[1] Childress, G. (2006). Opening up Luke’s Gospel (pp. 45–46). Leominster: Day One Publications.