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God Is Never Empty-Handed

Psalm 48:10 (ESV) … “As your name, O God, so your praise reaches to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is filled with righteousness.”

Great fame is due to His great name. The glory of Jehovah’s exploits overleaps the boundaries of earth; angels behold with wonder, and from every star delighted intelligences proclaim his fame beyond the ends of the earth.

What if men are silent, yet the woods, and seas, and mountains, with all their countless tribes, and all the unseen spirits that walk them, are full of the divine praise. As in a shell we listen to the murmurs of the sea, so in the convolutions of creation we hear the praises of God. “Your right hand is full of righteousness.”

Thy scepter and thy sword, thy government and thy vengeance, are altogether just. Thy hand is never empty, but full of energy, of bounty, and of equity. Neither saint nor sinner shall find the Lord to be an empty-handed God; he will in both cases deal out righteousness to the full: to the one, through Jesus, he will be just to forgive, to the other just to condemn.[1]

Give thanks that the Lord our God, He is never empty-handed. He is always prepared to handle what life throws at us. He is not only prepared but always able to render that which we need and that which is called for.

[1] Spurgeon, C. H. (n.d.). The treasury of David: Psalms 27-57 (Vol. 2, p. 362). London; Edinburgh; New York: Marshall Brothers.

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