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Faith Brings Blessing

Luke 1:45 (ESV) … “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”

Spirit-inspired words from Elizabeth rained blessing on Mary. They distinguished Mary from all other women. She had God’s grace and presence (v. 28) in unique measure, but not in measure that lifted her up for eternal praise and worship. Mary’s blessing came not from who she was or would become. Mary’s blessing came from the holy baby whom she carried in her womb. This blessed child placed Mary in the position of blessing. God had turned his eyes to Elizabeth (v. 25) but had set his Savior in Mary. Just to stand in such presence awed Elizabeth. How did she deserve the opportunity to stand in the presence of the mother of her Lord? Even before his birth, Jesus was recognized as Lord, the Messiah of God. Such recognition came from humble priestly folks in the Judean hill country, not royal people in the nation’s capital. The same humility characterized Mary. Now we see why she was blessed. She believed God’s promise. She expected God to accomplish what he said he would do. Faith brings blessing.[1]

In Christ & Friends Always,

Bro. Chris.

[1] Butler, T. C. (2000). Luke (Vol. 3, p. 12). Broadman & Holman Publishers.


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