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Commissioned by Our Lord

John 20:21 (ESV) … “Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

Jesus tells his disciples that they would now become his “sent ones,” commissioned by him as he had been commissioned by his Father. They were to carry on the work he had begun. There was a vast world still lying in the lap of the evil one waiting to be evangelized. Theirs was the mighty ordination of the nail pierced hands.

We are to take His place in this world (John 17:18). What a tremendous privilege and what a great responsibility! It is humbling to realize that Jesus loves us as the Father loves Him (John 15:9; 17:26), and that we are in the Father just as He is (John 17:21–22). It is equally as humbling to realize that He has sent us into the world just as the Father sent Him. As He was about to ascend to heaven, He again reminded them of their commission to take the message to the whole world (Matt. 28:18–20).

It must have given the men great joy to realize that, in spite of their many failures, their Lord was entrusting them with His Word and His work. They had forsaken Him and fled, but now He was sending them out to represent Him. Peter had denied Him three times; and yet in a few days, Peter would preach the Word (and accuse the Jews of denying Him—Acts 3:13–14!) and thousands would be saved.[1]

As his disciples today, we too are commissioned to go forth with the good news of salvation. Despite our failures and lack of faith at times, Jesus always loves us cares for us as well. We should remember that we have been equally entrusted to share His Word and His work.

[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, pp. 392–393). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.

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