John 10:28 (ESV) … “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
This statement of the eternal security of the believer is matched only by Paul’s assurances in Romans 8. We note that our possession of eternal life is stated in the present, continuous tense. We do not have to wait until we die to find out if we are saved. We are given present assurance.
There is something magnificent about the picture of the Lord wrapping his omnipotent hand around us, and of the Father wrapping his own almighty hand around his. Thus we are ensphered in Christ in God.
An Old Testament example is that of Noah. When the ark was finished, God shut him in. The storms of judgment fell in all their fury. The windows of heaven were opened. The fountains of the deep were broken up. But Noah was safe. He was in the ark. The waters of judgment fell on the ark, not on him. Thus our “life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3).[1]
[1] Phillips, J. (2009). Exploring the Gospel of John: An Expository Commentary (Jn 10:28–29). Kregel Publications; WORDsearch Corp.