Psalm 109:22 (ESV) … “For I am poor and needy, and my heart is stricken within me.”
As a faithful son of the covenant, David had a right to ask God for the help he needed. His desire was that God might be glorified by showing mercy to His servant (vv. 21, 27). He wanted God to do some wonderful thing that only He could do, and this would tell his enemies that Jehovah was fighting David’s battles. “Magnify your mercy!” was David’s cry (vv. 21, 26). He wanted the Lord to be mindful of his needs, for he was “poor and needy” (vv. 22–25; 70:5; 86:1).
He had a broken heart and he felt as if his life was fading away like the shadows of evening. As the sun sets, the shadows grow longer and longer and then vanish. Like a locust hanging on clothing, his grip on life was feeble and he could be shaken off at any minute. Imagine the future king of Israel comparing himself to a fragile insect! David asked the Lord to send him a blessing every time his enemy cursed him and to bring shame to the enemy but joy to His servant.
Finally, David promised to praise the Lord and give glory to Him when all these trials were ended, and he did. After David had been made king over all Israel, he brought the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem and sought to honor the Lord (2 Sam. 5–6). God did help David, in His own time and His own way, and so He will do for us.[1]
[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (2004). Be exultant (1st ed., pp. 72–73). Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications Ministries.