John 14:16 (ESV) … “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever…”
Notice that our verse begins with the word “And.” In the previous part of chapter 14, the Lord had been speaking of the disciples’ love for Him, measured by an obedient walk of faith. Here in this verse, the focus changes upon Christ love for them, evidenced by Jesus promising to pray and thus provide another comforter for them, which will abide in their lives forever.
Romans best speaks to our hearts concerning this prayer and provision promised by our Lord. For we read, “and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” … (Romans 5:5 ESV).
Up and until now, Christ had been the one who has been giving the disciples comfort. However, He was going to leave them and return to heaven. Jesus wanted them to know that he would not leave them as orphans in this world.
This beautiful promise gave hope to the disciple and continues to give hope to us today, that Christ will genuinely “love us unto the end!” In other words, we will never find ourselves abandoned or forgotten by both the presence and power of our Lord and Savior. Instead, Jesus would now live in him and us, by way of the Holy Spirit.
Not only is this indwelling for the here and now, but it will also be endless! Forever within us will the Holy Spirit dwell. This earthly fellowship we have Lord Jesus by way of the Holy Spirit is indeed an eternal fellowship with the Lord Jesus. The one who is our helper, who is called alongside to assist, will forever be our guide, friend and companion.